Let's learn how actually html, css, js are useful in web designing.

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HTML: 1) HTML stands for a hypertext markup language. 2)As the name suggests it is not a programming language, it is a markup language. 3)It is used to create and structure content on the web. 4)It is structured, compatible, and SEO. Don't overthink SEO. SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimisation". So how it helps? We can add some keywords using HTML. And when these keywords are searched on any browser, our webpage is shown above (sometimes first). ****So basically when we compare a web page with the human body, HTML will be the skeleton.

CSS: 1) CSS stands for the cascading style sheet. 2) As the name suggests is a style sheet language, used to describe the look and formatting of documentation written in HTML. 3) It is also used for Responsive Design. so what is meant by responsive design? Responsive design means the webpage can be opened on any screen irrespective of the size of the screen with the same feel. 4)We can reuse the code and we can also do animations using CSS. 5)Easy formatting changes and compatibility across devices made this language very popular. ****So basically CSS is used for making designs, and animations on a web page.

JAVA SCRIPT: Why we need to work with javascript. We have got a structure with HTML and styling with CSS, so why use javascript? 1)Before javascript was developed, web pages were static and could not be changed by the user. If a webpage needed to display dynamic content or respond to user input, the entire page could have to be reloaded from the server. 2)This leads to less user interactivity. 3)Javascript gives you great user interactivity. 4)Dynamic content, animations and interactivity are the main uses. 5)Today Javascript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world and it is used on almost every modern webpage. ****So basically Javascript is used for good user interactivity.